
“Children are a gift from God, a heritage as a reward from Him.”

Psalm 127:3

We believe that children shine brightest when they are aligned with God’s purpose for their lives and that they should grow confident in their character, comfortable in their differences, and secure in their identity. They are created by God to be unique, loved, and respected with an innate desire to learn. Hence, the education of a child prepares them for both the rigors of school and the challenges of life. 

Noah Webster, the father of American Christian Education, defined education as a “series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, form the habits and manners of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future station. To educate children well is the most important duties of parents and guardians.” Education is not complete without the knowledge of God and the highest goal of learning is to know God. Every individual is God’s work of art, uniquely fashioned in His image for a divine purpose and a glorious destiny. 

As teachers, we strive to be sensitive to the needs of the children and flexible enough to adapt to a variety of teaching styles in order to maximize learning. We also partner with parents in supporting their children through verbal affirmation and encouragement, ensuring growth in different developmental stages for all learning areas, and inspiring them to reach their full potential. We make it a point to maintain a learning environment that is both stimulating and inviting while ensuring creative exploration and multi-sensory exposure through the use of tactile and multi-sensory materials such as puzzles, building blocks, and clay.

“The heart of education is the education of the heart.”
